Gothic Cottage 1860
A Gothic cottage houseplan from the Godey’s Ladies Book for the year 1860. The houseplan is “From original design of Samuel Sloan, Architect, Philadelphia”.Continue Reading
A Gothic cottage houseplan from the Godey’s Ladies Book for the year 1860. The houseplan is “From original design of Samuel Sloan, Architect, Philadelphia”.Continue Reading
“The design here shown was planned for and built by a banker in Ohio. It is somewhat on the colonial order, as carried out by both the front and side porch and the interior treatment as well, with columned openings dividing the hall and parlor. A very charming featureContinue Reading
Exterior Color.-For the outside painting of country houses, quiet, neutral tints should generally be chosen. The various shades of fawn, drab, gray, and brown, are all very suitable. All the positive colors, such as red, yellow, blue, green, black, and white, should always be avoided. Nothing can be in worseContinue Reading
The Stuart window-screen frame herewith illustrated, is manufactured by E. C. Stearns & Co., of Syracuse, N. Y., and has become an article in the leading wholesale and retail hardware trade.The unique appearance of this frame, and the ease with which it can be made or put together, are speciallyContinue Reading
The choice of color for country houses requires the exercise of taste, judgment, and an eye for harmonious combinations. Keeping always in view the general effect, when the fancy begins to range beyond the safe line of the neutral tints, the field for error is so large disastrous that theContinue Reading
These windows, so very elegant in appearance, and convenient in domestic architecture, have long labored under the disadvantage of not being weather-tight; and, as the same form of window properly prevails in English Gothic and Italian styles, it has been a source of much trouble to builders. The difficulty arisingContinue Reading
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