Designs for Brackets.
CHASTE yet neat ornaments add much to the appearance of any building, while nakedness on the one hand, and meretricious display on the other are equally displeasing. In very few of the brackets which are seen attached to houses are elegance and simplicity so combined as to produce a pleasingContinue Reading
Wooden Floors – How to Cleanse them.
This is a very important matter in a country like the United States, where there is so much change of domicile, and that particularly in a city like New York on the first of May. Floors dirty enough to make housekeepers desperate when they think of the bare possibility ofContinue Reading
Improved Sanitary Appliances. (Water-Closet)
We exhibit in the accompanying illustration one of the recent improvements in water-closets manufactured by the J. L. Mott Iron Works, of 88 and 90 Beekman street, New York, one of the leading houses in this country in this branch of manufacture. The closet shown is of the wash-out pattern,Continue Reading
The Modern Bath-Room. (1885)
We have pleasure in being able to lay before our readers, from advance sheets of a new catalogue about to be issued by the J. L. Mott Iron Works, of 88 and 90 Beckman street, New York, the accompanying beautiful illustration representing the appointments of a modern?and, we might add,Continue Reading
A Modern Bath-Room Interior. (1884)
The accompanying illustration, which represents a bath-room interior fitted with the latest and most approved modern conveniences and sanitary appliances, forces directly upon the mind a realization of the great progress that has been made in all that relates to household sanitation during the past ten years. The revolution thatContinue Reading
Bath-Room Interior, with Approved Modern (1883)
The attention that of late years has been bestowed upon all matters relating to public and domestic sanitation, has given us not only healthier towns and dwellings, but has had the incidental advantage of educating the public up to a better appreciation of the character and importance of sanitary measuresContinue Reading