Every one will agree that the ordinary arrangement of wash-basins and bath-tubs, consisting of a stopper and chain attached, is objectionable; the chain is often in the way, it will pull the stopper out when this is not desired, and soon look dirty and unsightly, and no doubt it wouldContinue Reading

We represent on this page an important improvement in one of the most essential contrivances necessary in housekeeping, namely, a kitchen sink, which can also be used as a wash-basin, dish-pan, laundry wash-tub, and drainer. It possesses a valve, which is opened by raising the pull P; 0 is anContinue Reading

THE sink is without doubt one of the most essential features in a modern kitchen, but at the same time it has, unfortunately, thus far been a neglected piece of manufacture, being made after a certain accepted form, without any attempt at improvement to overcome the inherent defects of thatContinue Reading

  ONE of the signs of industrial progress is the continually increasing formation of specialties in trades. Thus we have piano-makers’ hardware, barrel-makers’ tools, etc. At present we call attention to a branch of business established by Messrs. Win. S. Carr & Co., of 106, 108, and 110 Center street,Continue Reading

You can order a reprint of this company’s [Julius & Ives] catalogue at Sirlampsalot Publications . The reprint includes 5 catalogues between the years 1868 to 1883.Continue Reading