One of the true luxuries of the modern dinner table is the table napkin; but the difficulty with most young housekeepers is how to fold it. Numerous designs have been adopted from time to time, but the following are simple and efficient. A napkin should be laid to every plate.Continue Reading

A kitchen should always be well furnished; there is no necessity that it should be profusely so, but there should be a sufficiency of every thing which can aid in producing the dishes preparing, with the success which is so essential to the gratification of the palate. In furnishing aContinue Reading

In 1888 a description of these dolls was given in the St.Nicholas magazine for children. They belonged to a Mrs. L. D. Bradish and had been a gift from her big brother in 1827! Continue Reading

This is no fancy picture. It is taken from a photograph of a real cat with her adopted family of chickens. The lady who made the photograph, and kindly sent it to St.Nicholas, tells this story in an accompanying letter: “The owner of our good-hearted puss raised a great manyContinue Reading

I like to run across ordinary people who found their way into the publications of the era. Oftentimes there is biographical information that can be gleamed for genealogy purposes. And too many times this information is totally lost to the family lines involved. So as I run across them IContinue Reading

As at present so many parties are abolishing the use of gas and substituting kerosene lamps, a few words of warning and advice about their use may be welcome to many. Frequent accidents show that kerosene lamps are more or less dangerous from a tendency to explode, and if theyContinue Reading