After we have done the best possible with the bedroom, we come to the chief article within that very useful apartment — the bed, and its makeup. The first thing to be considered is the bedstead. Fortunately, this is a much less pretentious and elaborate affair than a generation orContinue Reading

Very few think of using the old-fashioned blue or brown denims in house furnishing, and yet in many places it is very durable and really pretty. It makes a neat carpet for a bedroom, study, or any room where there is not too much wear on the carpet. If blueContinue Reading

ONE WAY TO BIND  Neatly, Substantially And Usefully. Nothing so admirable for the household elsewhere exists as Good Housekeeping, and the successive numbers should be preserved and bound. There is more need of binding this than other magazines, because it will be referred to oftener. The magazine is more convenientContinue Reading

Tis to be hoped that no one expects a fashion article from the above title, for I confess at the start that the most know-nothing clerk at the linen counter in any of our large dry goods stores knows more of “the fashion ” in towels than I do. Besides,Continue Reading

Vintage knife and fork on linen napkin. Bone-handled knife and tarnished silver fork.

Bed and Table Linen for Young Housekeepers. I notice a call in GOOD HOUSEKEEPING, from St. Louis, for information concerning Bed and Table Linen, and such other articles of the kind needful for the “going to housekeeping ” of the young couple. Those of us who recall the hours spentContinue Reading

The custom of having wash-day on Monday has probably caused more inconvenience to the housekeeper’s servants, in fact to the whole household, than they dream of, thereby making it a day to be dreaded, and causing it to be called “blue Monday.” Every member of a household feels it, fromContinue Reading