Jam Jars, Glass Jars, Tumblers, and Pails from 1894

A SERIOUS JAR. If Jem is the same as Jim, And G sounds the same as J, Then between a Gem, and Jim, and Jem, What is the difference, pray ? We read about Gem Jars, — Jars made for holding jam. Then, are these Gem jars jim jam jars?Continue Reading

Different regions were known for wanting different characteristics in shoes. For example in the United States the Northerner liked shoes that were comfortable, neat but also stylish. The southerner was known to desire a pair that were fancy and handsome. Then the westerners would demand a shoe that had solidityContinue Reading

To every woman who does her own housework, “those porches” are a daily nightmare — particularly in dry, dusty weather. Mopping is wet, dirty work — hard alike on hands, clothes and temper. To avoid this vexation of spirit, try the plan given below: Buy a yard and a quarterContinue Reading

The excerpt below is about a Mrs. A. T. Ames who was elected as Deputy Sheriff in Belvidere, Boone County Illinois. After a quick search of the 1880 and 1900 census I found Albert T Ames, Sheriff in 1880 for the aforesaid location. He was born in New York andContinue Reading

A spicy magazine article, entitled “Skeletons in Closets,” enters complaint against the omnipresent shoe bag; protesting against ” wall pockets nailed inside closet doors, for holding boots and shoes,” saying, ” It is the worst possible plan yet devised for keeping them,” and inviting suggestions for something better in itsContinue Reading

When one owns a home in the country which is only tenanted during the warm summer months, it is possible to furnish it in an entirely different style from that of a house used at all seasons. The color scheme should be suggestive of coolness and rest, and an airContinue Reading