Bubble Parties became quite the fashion in the late Victorian years. You could do this indoors during the colder months for a little “summery” fun or make a warm summer day fun! Bubbles are always fun! In England at the present time Bubble Parties is one of the favorite amusements. TheContinue Reading

I don’t know why but I am always fascinated in old packaging & wrapping techniques. Maybe its because these are hard to come by now. We have few surviving examples and some are just lost forever. Then too just like psychology goes into how we package things today to marketContinue Reading

Pine Apple Cheese? What kind of cheese is that? Does it taste like pineapple? Was it made from pineapple? I had never heard of this cheese before. So I sought out, but in vain, to find a modern counterpart. I was left to go back in time and read up on this mystery cheese.Continue Reading

Ever wonder how much sugar those in the 1800’s would use? Have you ever heard of Sugar Cones? Well this article is a little history about sugar cones and how they were wrapped in the 19th century. Complete with a couple memoirs, some recycling advice for the wrappers and even learn a little about a common brand from the grocery store! Continue Reading

Slate pencils were similar to the chalk we use today. Slate pencils were made to use on slate boards, which were the predecessor to chalkboards. At least two varieties of slate pencils could be found in America in the 1870’s or before. A black variety, manufactured in Germany, which wasContinue Reading

This article was found in The Manufacturer and Builder – February 1870 issue. It looks at how fish hooks were still being produced in the 1870s and near the end of the article it briefly compares to how they were made many years before this. The wire for making fish-hooks isContinue Reading