To those who love housekeeping or who feel an interest in it for duty’s sake, the charge of linen and the great care it requires is one of equal importance with the store-closet. It is a pity to trust to finding a linen-closet in any house. If you do findContinue Reading

June and Strawberries Half a dozen people, more or less, have been credited with the saying, “Doubtless, God could have made a better berry, but doubtless God never did;” and the declaration regarding this most delicious and wholesome of all berries, goes without questioning, no matter by whom it wasContinue Reading

Many persons clean bottles by putting in some small shot and shaking them around. Water dissolves lead to a certain extent, and a film of this lead attaches itself to the sides of the bottle so closely that the shaking or rinsing with water does not detach it, and itContinue Reading

A contemporary answers this question by stating that they are cut up in small pieces, and these are put for a couple of days in chloride of sulphur, which makes the leather very hard and brittle. After this is effected, the material is washed with water, dried, ground to powder,Continue Reading

More ideas on pot holders… “A Good cook is not likely to use her apron for a holder, but it is often a temptation to do so, unless she has a good supply of holders. Not only should there be enough for present use but some in the pantry drawersContinue Reading

A couple of Victorian articles on canned foods. The first one goes into describing the process of packing and canning certain foods and also lists many of the foods that were currently being canned. The second article goes into how to use canned foods. Both articles date to 1889.Continue Reading