This valuable machine, by reason of the multifarious functions it is capable of exercising, will be found a most desirable addition to the outfit of the wood-working factory. In a former issue of this journal we gave some account of this machine, with an illustration of specimens of its work. Since that time, arrangements have been perfected by which the machine has been taken in hand by W. H. Purdy, Lincoln Building, in Nos. 1 and 3 Union Square, (W.) New York, and placed upon the market. Two sizes of the machine are at present manufactured, with improved attachments which add substantially to the utility of the tool, and the attention of wood-workers is invited to the following account of their respective utilities:
The No. 1 router, an illustration of which is shown herewith, is adapted to the following uses : Grounding for carvers, pattern-makers, etc. sinking and raising panels ; miter, blind and through dovetailing gaining window sills and jambs; dadoing and fluting; letting-in sash pulleys; inside surface molding for stair-rail ramps, goose necks and knees; corner blocks; boring; molding and chamfering foils; molding and grooving pew ends, etc. letting-in all sizes of rosettes; housing of stair stringers dovetailing steps for balusters; dadoing and channeling in numerous shapes; facing cutting blocks; in addition to which it can be used as a shaper if desired.
Among the important and desirable features of this machine may be named the following: The work is made rigid to the table, and the machine is moved to the work in the desired direction, saving the operator all risk of maiming and the labor of moving the work; the machine has about 12 ft. sweep; the spindle lever enables the operator to raise and lower the cutter, which is a very essential feature for some work; the spindle will follow any desired form, the piece, as above noted, being always held rigid to the table. The machine will be found of special value as an irregular surface molder, as the piece to be worked makes its own form, and the claim is made that it is the only machine on the market which has this integral feature; the cutters are all one?sided, and are easily made and sharpened on emery wheels (sizes carried, 1/4 inch to 6 inches); the construction guarantees rigidity and long wear; it is easily adjusted, and requires no specialist to work it. This machine weighs 500 pounds, and is 6 feet long.
The No. 2 router and carving machine weighs 85 pounds, is 3 feet 6 inches long, has a 7 foot sweep, and (except in size) embodies all the features of the No. 1 router, and, with its various attachments, is fully equal to the special machines devised for like work, and, when properly manipulated, produces results rivaling those of any special high-priced machines. It carries cutters from 0 to 2 inches, and is especially adapted to the following uses: Tracery, cutting letters and graving; grounding for carvers, designers, engravers and pattern-makers ; sinking and raising panels; miter, blind and through dovetailing; boring; molding and chamfering foils; inside irregular surface molding; serpentine cutting, etc. ; letting in all sizes of rosettes; channeling in numerous shapes, etc.
With the carving attachment it will reproduce ornate moldings, medallion work, and the like, for ornamentation of interior decorative work? ornamental patterns in intaglio and bas-relief of the most artistic and delicate patterns, from the slightest to one inch in relief. This attachment gives a vertical movement to the spindle, the cutter and pointer making parallel movements, and the cutter reproducing a facsimile of any pattern used under the pointer. It also acts as a gauge for depth on regular or irregular surface vertically. With the slide attachment a positive movement in any direction is obtained, enabling it to function satisfactorily for tracery, type-metal cutting, block cutting, sinking and raising panels, Grecian border, cross fluting, and similar work. The work can be done much more expeditiously with this attachment. It also fastens the machine, if desired, in a rigid position, thus making it a shaper or molding machine. The twister attachment is applicable for the function of spiral or twist work. With this the machine will work stock up to 8 inches in diameter and 3 feet between centers. The rear center is adjustable, and by proper devices longer lengths can be worked. The manufacturer invites the special consideration of wood-workers to the rigid screw-adjustment tables provided in connection with these machines. These tables, although specially designed to be used in connection with the router, and peculiarly suited for them, will be found likewise to be extremely useful for general wood-working functions wherever tables are required with an adjustable level. These tables may easily be raised and lowered by a turn of the wheel. They have a rise of 12 inches, weigh 125 pounds, and carry a top having a length of 6 feet or more, and from 1 to 2 feet wide.
The manufacturer, in adapting these machines and attachments for the use of wood-working factories, as exhibited excellent judgment, and the wide range of utility which they possess should make them extremely popular.
We hope to be able in future impressions to illustrate and describe the more important special attachments of these machines.