After making a variety of experiments, extending over a considerable time, a Paris house has at last patented a process for the ornamentation of tin plates.
By means of colors, prepared in a way which is as yet a secret, the tin plate is printed. All kinds of neat patterns, such as plaids, names, devices of various kinds, etc., the effects heightened by embossing, can be durably placed on the tin plate by a kind of printing-press, and the article afterward made up by the workman into the desired shape, since the printed surface is not injured or removed by any moderate amount of hammering, nor will solder and the solder-iron hurt the preparation. Many thousands of very pretty boxes, each to hold a pound of biscuits, and intended for Christmas and New-Year’s gifts, were made from these tin plates in the fall of last year.
Canisters, boxes of all kinds, etc., will be constructed of it, instead of the ordinary tin plate and its fancy paper covering, because of the greater durability of the printed tin material. The same ingenious French house has patented another process for a silicious lining to tin-plate canisters, so as to retain in the highest state conserves, pickles, preserves, etc. This is another of the infinity of ways in which tin comes more and more into use Mining Journal.