TAKE asphaltum, pulverize it, place it in a jar or bottle, pour over it about twice its bulk of turpentine or benzole, put it in a warm place, and shake it from time to time. When dissolved, strain it and apply it to time wood with a cloth or stiff brush. If it should make too dark a stain, thin it with turpentine or benzole. This will dry in a few hours. If it is desired to bring out the grain still more, apply a mixture of boiled oil and turpentine; this is better than oil alone. Put no oil with time asphaltum mixture, or it will dry very slowly. When the oil is dry the wood can be polished with time following: Shellac varnish, of the usual consistency, two parts; boiled oil, one part. Shake it well before using. Apply it to time wood by putting a few drops on a cloth, and rubbing briskly on time wood for a few moments. This polish works well on old varnished furniture.